Express Pd: GALORE
Express Pd Galore - The Amiga PD & Shareware CD (1994)(Express Pd)[!][Amiga-CD32-CDTV].iso
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History of released versions of
Version | Release date | Notes...
2.1b | 09 July 1993 | Allows you to 'switch' from one Chip Set to
| | another without rebooting the Amiga.
| | Can be used from the CLI or the Workbench
| | with a cycle gadget that opens on the
| | current Chip Set.
| | SetChipRev uses GfxBase->MemType
| | GfxBase->ChipRevBits0
| | GfxBase->WantChips
| | GfxBase->SpriteFMode
2.1E | 14 July 1993 | Allows you to select Chip Set, FMode, display
| | type, and border status from the Workbench.
| | SetChipRev v2.1E also uses GfxBase->BP3Bits
2.13 | 14 July 1993 | You can know use it from the CLI to launch
| | a program using a particular Chip Set and
| | not only ECS.This has been done because I
| | noticed that many programs do like AA but
| | not burst modes...
2.14 | 27 July 1993 | You can know do from the Workbench everything
| | you were doing from the CLI : select a Chip
| | Set and decide to enable it or not, or
| | select a Chip Set and launch a program and
| | then go back to the Chip Set you were using
| | before. So two new gadgets appear : Enable
| | and Launch.
2.14.1 | 04 Sep. 1993 | Now also uses GfxBase->SpriteWidth
| | and GfxBase->DefaultSpriteWidth
| | English and french versions.
2.11E | 05 Sep. 1993 | Sprite FMode pointer bug fixed using
| | GfxBase->SpriteWidth and
| | GfxBase->DefaultSpriteWidth
2.14.2 | 14 Sep. 1993 | A small bug in the CLI use has been fixed.
| | ЮEaM£AnÐ$ Spec¿al Ed¿t¿on.
2.14.6 | 27 Oct. 1993 | ЮEaM£AnÐ$ Spec¿al Ed¿t¿on.
| | Asl.library not used anymore.
| | Replaced by Nico François' ReqTools.library
| | A small bug in the advert (!) has been fixed.
39.108 | ?? ???. 1993 | Special HardWare Edition (uses custom chips
| | registers)
3.00 | ?? ???. 1993 | A lot of new features (surprise !)